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Audio & Music (247)
t12 v.2a.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.04s 5KB 1993-09-11
t3-bassd3.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.04s 6KB 1993-09-11
t3-bassd4.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.04s 5KB 1993-09-11
t3-clap1.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.03s 3KB 1993-09-11
t3-crashcymbal1.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.08s 12KB 1993-09-11
t3-jazzband-.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.03s 3KB 1993-09-11
t3-ophihat3.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.05s 8KB 1993-09-11
t3-organ1-.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.05s 7KB 1993-09-11
t3-piano1h-.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.06s 9KB 1993-09-11
t3-pizzicato..iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.04s 5KB 1993-09-11
t3-ride.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.03s 3KB 1993-09-11
t3-rostring.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.04s 5KB 1993-09-11
t3-snare.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.03s 3KB 1993-09-11
t3-snare4.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.05s 8KB 1993-09-11
t3-snare7.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.04s 6KB 1993-09-11
t3-supchord1-.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.05s 7KB 1993-09-11
t3-supchord3-.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.05s 8KB 1993-09-11
tada.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.03s 4KB 1993-09-11
take.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.05s 7KB 1993-09-11
tallic.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.05s 7KB 1993-09-11
tam.1.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.03s 3KB 1993-09-11
tam1.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.03s 4KB 1993-09-11
tambo1.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.02s 2KB 1993-09-11
tambo2.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.03s 4KB 1993-09-11
tambo3.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 1s 15KB 1993-09-11
tambourine.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.02s 2KB 1993-09-11
tangbass4.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.05s 7KB 1993-09-11
tansitrombi.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.07s 10KB 1993-09-11
taon1.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.03s 4KB 1993-09-11
taon5.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.04s 5KB 1993-09-11
tapwood.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.02s 2KB 1993-09-11
tar.vc.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.03s 3KB 1993-09-11
tb-bassdrum.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.03s 4KB 1993-09-11
tbrass1.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.07s 10KB 1993-09-11
tchoir.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.05s 7KB 1993-09-11
tchord.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.09s 13KB 1993-09-11
tchord2.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.05s 7KB 1993-09-11
tearbass1.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.03s 3KB 1993-09-11
tearbass2.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.03s 3KB 1993-09-11
tearbass3.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.03s 3KB 1993-09-11
tech-hh2.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.03s 4KB 1993-09-11
tech-hh4.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.04s 6KB 1993-09-11
tech-hho.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.05s 8KB 1993-09-11
techcmajor.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.09s 14KB 1993-09-11
techcminor.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 1s 15KB 1993-09-11
techcsuspended.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 1s 15KB 1993-09-11
techcymbal.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 1s 15KB 1993-09-11
techdrum.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.03s 3KB 1993-09-11
techhigh.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.08s 11KB 1993-09-11
techit.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.05s 7KB 1993-09-11
techno-cyms.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 1s 18KB 1993-09-11
techno-get1.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.05s 6KB 1993-09-11
techno-get2.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 1s 24KB 1993-09-11
techno-get3.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.07s 10KB 1993-09-11
techno-getsynth.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 1s 19KB 1993-09-11
technobassd.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.04s 6KB 1993-09-11
technosymbol.2.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.03s 4KB 1993-09-11
techpick1.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.04s 5KB 1993-09-11
techskvulp.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.05s 7KB 1993-09-11
techsynth.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.03s 3KB 1993-09-11
tecno-bass1.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.03s 4KB 1993-09-11
tecsnare.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 1s 15KB 1993-09-11
telephone.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.04s 6KB 1993-09-11
tenorsax.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.07s 9KB 1993-09-11
tenorvocmaj-cc0.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.07s 10KB 1993-09-11
tenorvocmin-890.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.07s 10KB 1993-09-11
tense-breeze.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 1s 30KB 1993-09-11
tense.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.06s 9KB 1993-09-11
tense2.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.04s 5KB 1993-09-11
tensestring.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 1s 18KB 1993-09-11
tensionstring.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.07s 10KB 1993-09-11
terminate.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.07s 10KB 1993-09-11
terminator.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.07s 10KB 1993-09-11
testchina2.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.07s 11KB 1993-09-11
tfbass.ss.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.02s 2KB 1993-09-11
tfmx.acc01.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.03s 4KB 1993-09-11
tfmx.acc02.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.03s 4KB 1993-09-11
tfmx.bd2.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.03s 3KB 1993-09-11
tfmx.bgui.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.04s 6KB 1993-09-11
tfmx.cymb.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.03s 4KB 1993-09-11
tfmx.orch.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.03s 4KB 1993-09-11
tfmx.pling1.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.06s 8KB 1993-09-11
tfmx.sd2.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.04s 5KB 1993-09-11
tftrumpet.ss.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.03s 4KB 1993-09-11
the savage.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.07s 10KB 1993-09-11
theegg.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.07s 10KB 1993-09-11
theforce.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.05s 7KB 1993-09-11
thehihatopen.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.05s 6KB 1993-09-11
thesharpestvox.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.05s 7KB 1993-09-11
this.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.05s 7KB 1993-09-11
thrash-u-dude.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.07s 10KB 1993-09-11
thrash.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.02s 2KB 1993-09-11
throut.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.04s 6KB 1993-09-11
throwups.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.07s 9KB 1993-09-11
thrustah.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.03s 4KB 1993-09-11
thunderblast.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.07s 9KB 1993-09-11
tim-pani.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.08s 12KB 1993-09-11
time4aparty.sae.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 1s 26KB 1993-09-11
timpdrum.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 1s 17KB 1993-09-11
timpenni.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.07s 10KB 1993-09-11
tinewave.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.07s 10KB 1993-09-11
tingshort.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 1s 21KB 1993-09-11
tinkle2.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.07s 10KB 1993-09-11
tinyhammer.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.05s 6KB 1993-09-11
tinyhammerld.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.05s 7KB 1993-09-11
tip64-174e.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.08s 11KB 1993-09-11
tip64bass.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 2s 34KB 1993-09-11
tip64fx.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.06s 9KB 1993-09-11
tip64lead1134.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.06s 8KB 1993-09-11
tip64shbass.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.03s 4KB 1993-09-11
tip64shbass2.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.04s 6KB 1993-09-11
tip7th.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.07s 9KB 1993-09-11
tipbass1.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.05s 8KB 1993-09-11
tipbass2.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.03s 4KB 1993-09-11
tipbassx.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.07s 10KB 1993-09-11
tipbdrum.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.04s 5KB 1993-09-11
tipbell.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.04s 5KB 1993-09-11
tipclang.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.02s 2KB 1993-09-11
tipdepeche.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.05s 7KB 1993-09-11
tipflutead6.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.03s 3KB 1993-09-11
tipmaj.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.07s 11KB 1993-09-11
tipmin.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.04s 6KB 1993-09-11
tipnaj.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.05s 6KB 1993-09-11
tipopenhat.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.06s 9KB 1993-09-11
tippling.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.08s 12KB 1993-09-11
tiprhythm2.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.02s 2KB 1993-09-11
tiprhythm3.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.03s 4KB 1993-09-11
tiprhythm5.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.03s 4KB 1993-09-11
tiprhythm7.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.02s 2KB 1993-09-11
tiprhythm8.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.03s 3KB 1993-09-11
tipring1.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.02s 3KB 1993-09-11
tipring3.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.02s 2KB 1993-09-11
tipring4.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.03s 4KB 1993-09-11
tipringmod.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.05s 7KB 1993-09-11
tipsnare.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.03s 4KB 1993-09-11
tipstringlead.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.08s 11KB 1993-09-11
tipsyn.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.05s 7KB 1993-09-11
tipsyn2.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.05s 7KB 1993-09-11
tiptom.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.03s 3KB 1993-09-11
titchywenkc.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.03s 4KB 1993-09-11
titlebass.ss.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.02s 2KB 1993-09-11
tmsnare1.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.10s 14KB 1993-09-11
tom tom3.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.06s 9KB 1993-09-11
tom-1.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.03s 3KB 1993-09-11
tom-2.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.05s 7KB 1993-09-11
tom-echo.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.05s 8KB 1993-09-11
tom.beast1.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.03s 3KB 1993-09-11
tom.collins.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.03s 4KB 1993-09-11
tom.e01.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.03s 3KB 1993-09-11
tom.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.04s 5KB 1993-09-11
tom.n04.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.04s 5KB 1993-09-11
tom1..ss.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.04s 5KB 1993-09-11
tom1.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.04s 5KB 1993-09-11
tom1.u110.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.03s 3KB 1993-09-11
tom10.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.03s 4KB 1993-09-11
tom2.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.03s 4KB 1993-09-11
tom2.u110.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.04s 6KB 1993-09-11
tom3.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.04s 5KB 1993-09-11
tom4.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.04s 5KB 1993-09-11
tom5.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.03s 3KB 1993-09-11
tom55-.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.03s 3KB 1993-09-11
tom6.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.04s 5KB 1993-09-11
toma.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.02s 1KB 1993-09-11
tomdrum.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.03s 4KB 1993-09-11
tomdrum1.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.06s 8KB 1993-09-11
tomdrum2.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.03s 4KB 1993-09-11
tomdrum3.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.04s 5KB 1993-09-11
tomdrum8.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.03s 4KB 1993-09-11
tommorowbass.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.03s 3KB 1993-09-11
tomsnare1.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.05s 8KB 1993-09-11
tomsnd.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.03s 4KB 1993-09-11
tomtam1.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.05s 7KB 1993-09-11
tophit.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.07s 10KB 1993-09-11
toppiehi.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.03s 3KB 1993-09-11
toppiehi2.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.04s 5KB 1993-09-11
touch.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.07s 9KB 1993-09-11
touchb0c.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 1s 20KB 1993-09-11
tough1.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.07s 10KB 1993-09-11
tourston.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.04s 5KB 1993-09-11
tourvas.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.04s 6KB 1993-09-11
town.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.04s 4KB 1993-09-11
tpacord2.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.10s 14KB 1993-09-11
tr909bass.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.10s 14KB 1993-09-11
tr909snare.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.10s 14KB 1993-09-11
trainbass.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.07s 9KB 1993-09-11
traksclaps.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.03s 3KB 1993-09-11
trance.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 1s 20KB 1993-09-11
tranceorch2.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.08s 13KB 1993-09-11
tranzbass.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.07s 11KB 1993-09-11
tranzbdrum.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.04s 5KB 1993-09-11
tranzbreath.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.06s 8KB 1993-09-11
tranzhatx.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.06s 8KB 1993-09-11
tranzhitreverb.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 1s 18KB 1993-09-11
tranzmaj07c0.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.10s 14KB 1993-09-11
tranzmin14b2.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 2s 33KB 1993-09-11
tranzsin10d0.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.06s 9KB 1993-09-11
tranzsnare.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.04s 5KB 1993-09-11
tranzsnare3.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.04s 4KB 1993-09-11
tranzsyn.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 1s 15KB 1993-09-11
trbrass.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.09s 13KB 1993-09-11
trbrasshit.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.04s 5KB 1993-09-11
trclap.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.09s 13KB 1993-09-11
tremoloorgan.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.05s 8KB 1993-09-11
trhihato.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.03s 4KB 1993-09-11
trilogysd.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.03s 4KB 1993-09-11
trio.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.04s 5KB 1993-09-11
triumphbass2.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 1s 17KB 1993-09-11
tromajor.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.07s 10KB 1993-09-11
trominor.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.07s 10KB 1993-09-11
tromp.bl..iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.09s 14KB 1993-09-11
tronicguit.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.04s 4KB 1993-09-11
tronichihat1.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.02s 2KB 1993-09-11
tronichihat2.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.02s 2KB 1993-09-11
tronicsynth.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.05s 7KB 1993-09-11
tropfen.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.03s 3KB 1993-09-11
tropicalmallet.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.05s 6KB 1993-09-11
trr88clap.ss.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.03s 3KB 1993-09-11
trstclap.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.03s 4KB 1993-09-11
trueno.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 3s 56KB 1993-09-11
trumpbrass-1.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.03s 4KB 1993-09-11
trumpet.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.05s 7KB 1993-09-11
trumpet1.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.04s 5KB 1993-09-11
trumpetb.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.07s 9KB 1993-09-11
trumpetch2.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.08s 11KB 1993-09-11
trumpets.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.07s 10KB 1993-09-11
trumpetters.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.07s 10KB 1993-09-11
trumpetx04.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.03s 3KB 1993-09-11
tschah.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.04s 5KB 1993-09-11
tsk.pow4.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 2s 46KB 1993-09-11
tsnare.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.03s 3KB 1993-09-11
tstring.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 1s 16KB 1993-09-11
ttimp.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.07s 10KB 1993-09-11
tubebell.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.08s 12KB 1993-09-11
tubes.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.05s 7KB 1993-09-11
tubestring.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.07s 10KB 1993-09-11
tunebass.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.04s 5KB 1993-09-11
tung.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.06s 9KB 1993-09-11
turr2lead2.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.08s 12KB 1993-09-11
turrchord1.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.03s 4KB 1993-09-11
tutend.ss.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.04s 5KB 1993-09-11
twee1.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.02s 2KB 1993-09-11
twee2.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.02s 2KB 1993-09-11
twil.1.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.03s 4KB 1993-09-11
twil.2.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.03s 4KB 1993-09-11
twil.3.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.03s 3KB 1993-09-11
twil.4.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.03s 4KB 1993-09-11
tynepiano.iff Amiga 8-bit Sampled Voice 0.08s 12KB 1993-09-11